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Meet Our Staff at FootHouse in Folkestone

Director and HCPC Registered Podiatrist

Mr D.K. Smith MSc

David Smith

David is a HPC registered podiatrist and a Member of the college of Podiatry, with over 20 years of experience. He has completed a Masters Degree in applied Biomechanics at Strathclyde University and is a member of i-FAB (international Foot and Ankle Biomechanics). 


David is qualified to perform nail surgeries under Local Anesthetic and he regularly attends CPD to keep his knowledge up to date. 

David K. Smith HPC Registration Number 21258


Director and Secretary

Rosemary Smith

Rosemary will probably be the first face you see, here at Foothouse Podiatry and Biomechanics in Folkestone. Rosemary used to work with-in the NHS, but thankfully moved to FootHouse back in 2011. She provides 1st class customer service and also manages to look after our paper work.

Folkestone Podiatry Brid

HCPC Registered Podiatrist

Brid Cooney Bsc (hons)


Meet our Brilliant Brid. Brid is a Registered Podiatrist with over 7 years experience working in the NHS. She likes to help patients who are unable to reach their feet, as she feels she can make a real improvement to their daily life. Brid specialises in diabetic foot care. 


Brid is qualified to perform nail surgeries under local anaesthetic.  

David Smith

Podiatry Assistant

Kimberly L Smith

​Kimberly has completed training to become an outstanding Podiatry assistant and insured Foot Health Care Professional. She offers Toenail cutting , basic foot care, Fungal nail assessment, nail reconstruction and Clinical pedicures.  ​ Kimberly regularly attends CPD to extend and update her knowledge. 

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