Hcpc registered podiatrist treating your foot pain in Kent
Verruca Treatment
Having trouble getting rid of your Verrucae?
We offer three main treatments. Our Podiatrist will select the right one for you depending on your age, medical history and how big, how many and location of your verrucae.
Salysilic acid
This is a topical treatment , which can be very effective if applied correctly and with persistent treatments. We suggest an average of six treatments is needed. Book a Podiatry 1st Appointment to find out more and begin treatment. Follow up appointments are offered at a reduced rate.
Again a we have great success rates using this topical treatment , and is often the most suitable for our younger patients. Again we find on average 6 treatments are needed for resolution of verrucae. Book a Podiatry 1st Appointment to find out more and begin treatment. Follow up appointments are offered at a reduced rate.
Verrucae Needling (Under Local Anaesthetic)
This procedure is carried out under a local anesthetic, and has our highest success rate. It usually only requires one treatment. It works by penetrating the verrucae and stimulating the body's immune system to recognise and fight the viral infection. A Surgery assessment is necessary to evaluate your ailment and medical history before treatment under a local anaesthetic can be booked. Generally we don't perform this treatment on children under 8, however we will evaluate individually and in some cases communicate with your GP to ensure this is the best treatment path for you.
2-3 days After the procedure we will check your healing and this appointment is included in the cost of the needling treatment.
Visit our Podiatry Clinic in Cheriton, Folkestone, Kent to begin treatment of your verrucae.